Definitions of Employment Status

For purposes of group medical and insurance benefits entitlement and administration, the following definitions of employment status are used:

Regular Full-Time

A Full-Time Employee is one who works not less than the normal hours per week in an established position and on a continuous basis (permanent), or in the case of a faculty member, one who holds a full-time appointment.

Regular Part-Time

A Regular Part-Time Employee is one who works less than full-time, but 50% or more of full-time in an established position, and based on a regular and predetermined schedule.

Part-Time Less Than 50%

A Part-Time Employee Less Than 50% is one who works less than 50% of full-time, in an established position, and based on a predetermined schedule.


A Contract Employee is an employee who holds a regular full-time, or a regular part-time position for a specific period of time.  The duration of employment is usually for a period of not less than one but not more than twelve months.  Contracts may provide the option for extension or renewal, but the employee’s status and eligibility for group medical and insurance benefits at initial employment is determined by the original contract period.


A Temporary or Casual Employee is one who is employed in a job established for a specific and limited purpose, or for the duration of a specific project, or group of assignments, for example: Dons, Coaches, Markers, Teaching Assistants, Journalism – “Persons Retained From Outside”, and any part time assistance provided by students.

Eligibility for Group Benefits

Contract employees with contracts of eight months or longer, Regular Full Time, and Regular Part Time are covered by the mandatory benefit plans and are eligible to participate in the optional benefit plans.

Contract employees with contracts of less than eight months, Part Time Less Than 50%, and Temporary/Casual employees are not covered under the mandatory benefit plans and are not eligible for coverage under the optional benefit plans, but are covered under the Accident Medical Insurance Plan (students on Internships approved by the School of Journalism are also covered under the Accident Medical Insurance Plan).