Policy In Respect of A Reduced Workload

Any Faculty or Staff Member who has completed at least five continuous years of regular full-time employment since date of hire has the right to apply for a workload reduction.

Participation in and approval of reduced workload arrangement is by mutual consent, and is not extended as a matter of right.

Under a reduced workload arrangement you are able to reduce your working hours by up to 50% without losing the insured benefits security you receive as a full-time employee. All insured benefits are maintained as if you retained full-time status. Salary, of course, will be reduced relative to workload. Sick leave and vacation are based on the actual salary paid for the reduced workload.

This arrangement is limited by Government regulation to a maximum of two years.

Approved by the Board of Governors November 21, 1991.

October, 1998

Policy for Redress of Grievances

If an employee has concerns about safety and believe that they are being asked to do unsafe work then they are to raise their concern directly with their supervisor. If following this discussion the matter is not resolved and the employee still believes that the work they are being asked to do is unsafe they are to refuse the work and are to contact the University Safety Officer or the Chair of the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee. The procedures that will be followed for work refusals are those laid out in the Terms of Reference for the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee.

In matters other than safety, if an employee believes that he or she has been given less than fair treatment in any matter relating to any work assignment or working conditions assigned him or her by the University, then he or she should discuss the matter directly with their Manager /Director and/or the Human Resources & Compensation Officer.

Appeal to the President

If satisfaction is not obtained from direct discussions, the person believing that he or she has a grievance may set out in writing an account of the matter and submit this to the President, with a copy to the other party concerned with whom the matter has already been discussed.

The President, or the President’s delegate, shall meet with the employee concerned without undue delay and shall, after considering the matter communicate a decision to the employee alleging grievance.

Appeal to the Board of Governors

If the employee alleging grievance is not satisfied with the disposition of the matter by the President or the President’s delegate (or in cases where the President is the employee’s direct supervisor), the employee may request the Chair of the Board of Governors to consider the matter. The Chair of the Board or the Chair’s delegate will meet with the individual(s) concerned and shall report on the issue, including recommendations where appropriate, to the Board of Governors and shall provide a copy of the recommendations, if any, together with any decisions of the Board, as a final resolution of the matter. The Board will not hear grievances dealing with legal matters relating to hiring or termination of employment.

March 2017

Staff – Maternity, Parental, and Adoption Leave


*Proof of Employment Insurance is required by Human Resources before the benefits described below can be paid. Only staff members who have twelve (12) continuous months of employment with the University are eligible for the Supplemental Unemployment Benefit (SUB) plan.

Maternity Leave

A female staff member shall be granted maternity leave, consistent in timing and duration with the Labour Standards Code of Nova Scotia, upon provision of evidence or advice from a medical practitioner respecting the anticipated date of delivery arising from the pregnancy. Payment for this period of leave shall be in accordance with the existing SUB plan filed with Service Canada. The benefit payable by the University under this plan is a weekly amount which combined with the Employment Insurance benefit and any other earnings from employment will equal ninety five percent (95%) of the staff member’s regular salary at the commencement of the leave for a maximum period of seventeen (17) weeks.

Maternity leave must be arranged in advance with the immediate Manager or Department Director and a notice sent to the Human Resources & Compensation Officer.

Parental Leave

Parental leave shall be in accordance with the Labour Standards Code of Nova Scotia.

When a staff member is granted maternity leave and qualifies for parental leave under the Labour Standards Code of Nova Scotia and for parental benefits under the Employment Insurance Act as determined by Service Canada, the benefit payable by the University is a weekly amount which combined with the Employment Insurance benefit and any other earnings from employment will equal ninety-five percent (95%) of the staff member’s regular salary at the commencement of the parental leave for a maximum period of fourteen (14) weeks.

When a staff member who qualifies for parental leave under the Labour Standards Code of Nova Scotia and for parental benefits under the Employment Insurance Act related to paternity as determined by Service Canada, the benefit payable by the University is a weekly amount which combined with the Employment Insurance benefit and any other earnings from employment will equal ninety-five percent (95%) of the staff member’s regular salary at the commencement of the parental leave for a maximum period of seventeen (17) weeks.

Adoption Leave

When a staff member who qualifies for leave under the Labour Standards Code of Nova Scotia and for benefits under the Employment Insurance Act related to adoption as determined by Service Canada, the benefit payable by the University is a weekly amount which combined with the Employment Insurance benefit and any other earnings from employment will equal ninety-five percent (95%) of the staff member’s regular salary at the commencement of the adoption leave for a maximum period of ten (27) weeks.

Paternity Leave:

On the occasion of the birth of his child, a male staff member will be granted special leave with pay up to a maximum of five (5) work days. This leave may be granted on separate days.

Service Canada Maternity and Parental Leave

There are two options available for receiving parental benefits under Service Canada: Standard or Extended

  • Standard Parental Benefits can be paid for a maximum of 35 weeks and must be claimed within a 52 week period (12 months) after the week the child was born or placed for the purpose of adoption.  The two parents can share these 35 weeks of standard parental benefits.
  • Extended Parental Benefits can be paid for a maximum of 61 weeks and must be claimed with a 78 week period (18 months) after the week the child was born or placed for the purpose of adoption. The two parents can share these 61 weeks of extended parental benefits.
  • For more information please visit Service Canada – Maternity/Parental Leave

Faculty – Maternity, Parental, and Adoption Leave


*Proof of Employment Insurance is required by Human Resources before the benefits described below can be paid.

Maternity Leave

A female faculty member shall be granted maternity leave, consistent in timing and duration with the Labour Standards Code of Nova Scotia, upon provision of evidence or advice from a medical practitioner respecting the anticipated date of delivery arising from the pregnancy. Payment for this period of leave shall be in accordance with the existing SUB plan filed with Service Canada. The benefit payable by the University under this plan is a weekly amount which combined with the Employment Insurance benefit and any other earnings from employment will equal ninety five percent (95%) of the faculty member’s regular salary at the commencement of the leave for a maximum period of seventeen (17) weeks.

Maternity leave must be arranged in advance with the Program Director or Vice-President and a notice sent to the Human Resources & Compensation Officer.

Parental Leave

Parental leave shall be in accordance with the Labour Standards Code of Nova Scotia.

When a female faculty member is granted maternity leave and qualifies for parental leave under the Labour Standards Code of Nova Scotia and for parental benefits under the Employment Insurance Act as determined by Service Canada, the benefit payable by the University is a weekly amount which combined with the Employment Insurance benefit and any other earnings from employment will equal ninety-five percent (95%) of the faculty member’s regular salary at the commencement of the parental leave for a maximum period of fourteen (14) weeks.

When a male faculty member who qualifies for parental leave under the Labour Standards Code of Nova Scotia and for parental benefits under the Employment Insurance Act related to paternity as determined by Service Canada, the benefit payable by the University is a weekly amount which combined with the Employment Insurance benefit and any other earnings from employment will equal ninety-five percent (95%) of the faculty member’s regular salary at the commencement of the parental leave for a maximum period of seventeen (17) weeks.

Adoption Leave

When a faculty member who qualifies for parental leave under the Labour Standards Code of Nova Scotia and for parental benefits under the Employment Insurance Act related to adoption as determined by Service Canada, the benefit payable by the University is a weekly amount which combined with the Employment Insurance benefit and any other earnings from employment will equal ninety-five percent (95%) of the faculty member’s regular salary at the commencement of the parental leave for a maximum period of twenty-seven (27) weeks.

Paternity Leave

On the occasion of the birth of his child, a male faculty member will be granted special leave with pay up to a maximum of five (5) work days. This leave may be granted on separate days.

Service Canada Maternity and Parental Leave

There are two options available for receiving parental benefits under Service Canada: Standard or Extended

  • Standard Parental Benefits can be paid for a maximum of 35 weeks and must be claimed within a 52 week period (12 months) after the week the child was born or placed for the purpose of adoption. The two parents can share these 35 weeks of standard parental benefits.
  • Extended Parental Benefits can be paid for a maximum of 61 weeks and must be claimed within a 78 week period (18 months) after the week the child was born or placed for the purpose of adoption. The two parents can share these 61 weeks of extended parental benefits.
  • For more information please visit Service Canada – Maternity/Parental Leave website.

Payroll Information Guide

Casual Employees and Student Employees should be aware:

  • You are required to fill out the TD1 tax forms. If you wish to have extra taxes deducted this must be indicated on the TD1 form. Tax forms can be obtained by your Supervisor or by visiting the Bursar’s Office. Only fully completed tax forms will be accepted. The Employee Number section on the tax form is your Banner ID / Student Identification Number B00******. If you do not have a B00****** number please contact the Human Resources Officer.
  • You are also required to fill out a Student Payroll Information Form.
  • Tax Forms and Direct Deposit Forms must be received by 12 NOON on the current payroll week.
  • You will be paid at the standard hourly rates that are established each September.
  • 4% vacation pay is added on each pay.
  • If you have questions regarding your pay, you should speak with your supervisor.
  • International students are required to apply for a Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN) at the Halifax Service Canada Centre located at 1800 Argyle Street, Suite 101. You will first need to request an International Employment memo that will be required with your application (this can be obtained by contacting the Human Resources Officer).

Supervisors should be aware:

  • Casual Payroll is processed bi-weekly, and you are encouraged to contact the Human Resources Officer early September to confirm the schedule.
  • Timesheets are to be submitted bi-weekly via email to payroll@ukings.ca every second Monday by 12 noon for the previous 2 weeks. Only fully completed, computer generated PDF copies will be accepted.
  • Supervisor honorarium hours are not to be submitted on the regular timesheet, as payroll will record this special pay.
  • Hours cannot be banked and submitted at a later date.
  • Casual pay is deposited into their bank account on Friday. Paystubs will be sent electronically no later than Thursday of the pay week.
  • If your timesheet is submitted late, it will be included on the next bi-weekly payroll, and you are to inform all affected students.
  • The current calendar year TD1s can be found above and must be delivered to employees at the beginning of employment.

Departments/Programs employing casual employees should be aware:

  • Supervisor honorarium hours are not to be submitted on the regular timesheet, as payroll will record this special pay.
  • Your department budget will be charged with the base rate of pay plus 4% vacation pay and the employer paid CPP and EI expense.
  • Paid Statutory Holidays include New Year’s Day, NS Heritage Day, Good Friday, Canada Day, Labour Day, and Christmas Day.

Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the Human Resources Officer payroll@ukings.ca


Parking Permits

King’s has a limited number of spaces on campus. As requests for parking permits exceed the number of spaces available, priorities have been established for the issuing of parking permits. Earlier policies established in 1990, and last amended in December 2000 worked well until the College grew to the point where there are now normally more faculty and staff travelling to the Campus by car then we have parking spaces available. King’s is unable to provide parking passes for any student, except in extremely exceptional circumstances. All full time registered students have been provided with a Metro U-Pass. While students are not eligible for a temporary pass, after 4:00 PM they are welcome to use any free spaces if attending evening events or classes.

The current policy is:

1st Priority to be given to employees who can demonstrate a need to use a car to get to work on a daily basis. That is, passes will be allocated first to permanent, full-time faculty and staff living outside a 5 KM radius of the University, as faculty and staff within the 5 KM range have access to major bus routes.

2nd Priority to be given to those who can demonstrate a need based on administrative or other overloads, who have been denied a pass because they live within the 5KM range.

3rd Priority to be given to employees (Dean & Dons) who live in residence.

4th Priority to be given to students who can demonstrate a need to use a car to get to classes on a daily basis. Residence students and students on a bus route are not eligible for a parking permit. However, any student may apply for a pass if they believe their requirement should be considered as an exceptional circumstance. Exceptional circumstances might include ongoing health or short term health problems and specific student employment situations (on or off campus).

Temporary Permits: A limited number of temporary passes for volunteer members of the College and visitors to the College with be available from reception. Members of the College who are not eligible for a permanent parking pass are not eligible for a temporary pass. However, after 4pm you are welcome to access any free spaces if you are attending evening events.


Parking Permits for the 2024-25 school year will be available from the Bursar’s Office late August. The cost for a full year pass (Sep – Aug) is $368.00. If you would like to purchase a per term pass the cost for the fall (Sept – Dec) is $161.00, winter (Jan – April) $161.00 and summer (May to Aug) $103.50. HST is included. If you do not qualify for a parking permit, you may fill out an application (available from the Bursar’s Office). Applications will be approved based on the number of spaces remaining.

Parking tickets may be issued at any time on normal business days between 8am and 4pm, or at any other times whenever temporary restrictive parking are in place and such notices posted.

Please contact Tami Kendell for further information.

Updated July 2024

Optional Group Life Insurance


All full-time employees and regular part-time employees are eligible for optional group term life insurance as follows on a voluntary basis and at the employee’s own expense.

Plan Coverage

The plan provides optional term life insurance coverage beyond that provided under the University’s basic program to eligible employees and/or their spouses and dependent children.

Amount of Benefit

Employees under age 65 may apply for this coverage in units of $10,000 subject to a maximum of 20 units ($200,000). Employees under age 65 may also apply for this coverage for their spouse, if under age 65, in units of $10,000 subject to a maximum of 20 units ($200,000) and for 1 unit for each dependent child ($10,000). Coverage will become effective subject to approval by the insurer of the medical information provided in the application. Evidence of insurability, satisfactory to the insurer, shall be required for all amounts in excess of $50,000. An employee must apply within 31 days of the date of eligibility, otherwise all amounts of insurance are subject to evidence of insurability. This coverage is available in addition to, not in lieu of, basic life.

Definition of Dependents

Dependents are defined as your spouse (as described below), and unmarried, unemployed dependent children including natural, adopted or step-children who are dependent upon the employee for financial care and support. Dependent children of a conjugal spouse may be covered if they are living with the employee.

The term “spouse” is defined as a person who is legally married to the employee, or a person who is married to the employee by a marriage that is void able and has not been declared null and void, or, although not legally married to the employee, has continuously cohabited with the employee in a conjugal relationship (which includes a conjugal relationship between parties of the same sex) for not less than one full year and who has been publicly represented as the employee’s spouse. Unless the covered employee has requested coverage for a conjugal spouse in writing to the insurer, the person legally married to the insured employee shall be considered to be the spouse. Discontinuance of cohabitation with the employee shall terminate coverage of the conjugal spouse.

Dependent children are eligible for benefits if they are less than 21 years of age or, if 21 years of age but less than 25 years of age, they must be attending an accredited educational institution, college or university on a full-time basis.

Unmarried, unemployed children 21 years of age or older qualify if they are dependent upon the covered employee by reason of a mental or physical disability and have been continuously so disabled since the age of 21. Any mentally or physically handicapped child who was insured as a dependent shall remain insured beyond any limiting age for dependents, provided the child is incapable of self-sustaining employment and is wholly dependent upon the employee for support and maintenance.

Dependent coverage begins for your eligible dependents on the same date as your coverage, or as soon as they become eligible dependents if added later, provided that dependent benefits were applied for within 31 days of their becoming eligible. Evidence of health is required for amounts in excess of $50,000. If coverage is not applied for within this 31 day period, evidence of health on the dependents may have to be submitted for all amounts of insurance and approved before coverage begins. If evidence of insurability is required and/or the dependent is confined, the effective date of insurance shall be the first date the dependent is not confined on or after the date evidence of insurability, if required, is approved by the insurer.


The employee may appoint any beneficiary desired; the beneficiary of the spouse’s insurance or dependent child’s insurance will be the employee.

Payment of Premiums

Premiums will be applicable from the first of the month following the date coverage is approved; however, coverage will be effective from the date the application is approved.

The monthly premium is based on the age of the employee and the amount of coverage selected; the rate applicable to the spouse’s coverage will also be based on the age of the spouse.

Voluntary Group Term Insurance Rates:

Monthly Rate Per $10,000 of Coverage

Age Smoker Non-Smoker
20–29 $0.50 $0.30
30-34 $0.64 $0.37
35-39 $0.95 $0.48
40-44 $1.38 $0.77
45-49 $2.39 $1.20
50-54 $3.66 $2.07
55-59 $6.35 $3.51
60-65 $9.71 $5.47
65 $16.00 $11.46
Dependent Child $0.37 $0.37

Misstatement of Non-Smoker Clause

Misstatement of nonsmoker status by you or your spouse shall constitute fraud, and the insurer will not pay any part of optional life insurance, regardless of the cause of death.

Benefit Limitations

Benefits are payable as a result of a death from any cause, however, if death is due to suicide, benefits will not be payable during the first two years after purchase of insurance.

Waiver of Premium for Disabled Employees

If you become totally disabled before age 65 and are receiving long term disability benefits your optional life insurance will be continued free of charge until you cease to be totally disabled or you reach age 65, whichever occurs first. You must submit proof of your continuing disability as may be required by the insurer. Your entitlement to waiver of premium benefit for dependent optional life ceases on the earlier of:

  1. the date the waiver of premium for employee optional life insurance ceases, or
  2. the date the policy or coverage terminates.

Note: In order to qualify for the waiver of premium benefit you must notify the insurer of your disability within one (1) year of your last active day at work, and must furnish proof of your disability satisfactory to the insurer within 18 months of that last active working day.

Conversion Privileges

Please refer to the Conversion Privilege under the basic group life insurance insert for details regarding conversion for the employee. The optional dependent life insurance continues for 31 days following your death, your classification changing to one in which you are not insured or your termination of employment. During this 31-day period your spouse’s amount of optional life insurance may be converted, subject to a maximum of $200,000 and provided the spouse is under 66 years of age, to any individual whole life or convertible one-year term or term to age 65 plan without submitting evidence of health. The premium rate will be determined from your spouse’s age and class of risk at the time of conversion.

If your group policy terminates and your spouse has been continuously insured under it for at least 5 years, you have the same conversion privilege as above but the maximum amount of insurance that may be converted shall be: three times the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings as established under the Canada Pension Plan less any amount your spouse becomes eligible for under another group policy within 31 days of the date of termination.

Termination of Coverage

Your insurance terminates in the event of:

  • nonpayment of premium;
  • a change in your classification to one not insured;
  • termination of your employment;
  • termination or amendment of the master policy;
  • your commencing active duty in any armed forces;
  • your attainment of age 65 with respect to optional life;
  • your spouse’s attainment of age 65 for optional life for spouses, if earlier; or
  • your retirement.

How to Claim

If you have a claim you should contact the Human Resources Officer who will supply you with the proper forms with instructions for completion. Claims for benefits must be submitted within 12 months of the date incurred.

Policy In Respect of a Negotiated Severance Arrangement

The University may enter into an agreement with any Faculty or Staff Member who wishes to terminate his or her employment with King’s, who does not have alternate employment at hand, and whose termination is consistent with the academic needs and the financial interest of the University.

The possibility of such an arrangement may be explored informally, but all communication prior to a formal application shall be without prejudice to the employee and the University. Formal application shall be made to the President. The University reserves the right to refuse any application.

If through this process the Member and the University agree to the separation, the Member shall receive a negotiated allowance calculated in accordance with the overall financial situation of the University, the Member’s term of service, the Member’s employment prospects, and the financial implications (if any) to the Dalhousie/King’s financial agreement.

Approved by the Board of Governors November 21, 1991.

Long Term Disability


All employees (excluding casual/student employees) must participate in the Long Term Disability Insurance program.


If you become totally disabled through accident or sickness, the University may cover your full salary for the first six months of disability depending on employment circumstances. Medical evidence will be required by the University during this period.

After this the LTD insurance plan will assure a minimum level of income while an employee is unable to work due to a total disability resulting from accident or illness which continues beyond the qualification period (six months) through to recovery or the July 1st following age 65, whichever comes first.

Benefit Payable

The tax-free monthly income benefit payable will be 60% of your regular monthly earnings to a maximum monthly benefit of $6,000. The benefit is based on the salary you were earning at the date disability occurred. The monthly benefit payable will increase annually beginning with the January 1st next following the date benefits commence and will be based on the Consumer Price Index at January 1st, but shall not exceed 4%.

Definition of Disability

Benefits will be payable if you are unable to engage in your normal occupation during the first 24 months of the benefit period. Thereafter, benefits will be payable if you are unable to engage in any occupation for which you are reasonably qualified by education, training or experience or may become so qualified.


This policy does not cover any disability caused by or resulting from:

  1. intentionally self-inflicted injury or sickness
  2. injury sustained during employment for remuneration other than with the University
  3. war

Conversion Privilege

An employee who leaves his job and takes work elsewhere within (6) months may apply for an individual disability income policy. No medical examination will be required if application is made within 31 days after commencement of the new job.

Termination of Coverage

For all full-time employees salary continuance coverage terminates automatically on the July 1st coinciding with or next following the employees’ 65th birthday.

Information Guide for New Employees

Welcome to King’s!

Your payroll and benefits are administered by Human Resources and we have prepared this summary to try to guide you through the many forms you will need to complete.

Your net pay is directly deposited to your bank account on the 25th of each month. You must include a void cheque with your forms to ensure that payment is processed on time.

All employees should complete and return the following forms to our office as soon as possible, which is provided by the Human Resources Compensation Officer:

  • NS Personal Tax Credits Return (TD1)
  • Federal Personal Tax Credits Return (TD1)
  • Group Insurance Enrolment Card
  • Medavie Blue Cross – Application for Group Benefits
  • Employee Information Form

All full-time, contract and regular part-time (50% or higher of FTE) employees are entered into the following mandatory benefit plans:

  • Group Life
  • Accidental Death & Dismemberment
  • Long-Term Disability
  • Medical Coverage (mandatory for new employees unless you can provide proof of coverage)
  • Excess Medical Travel

All full-time, contract and regular part-time (50% or higher of FTE) employees should consider the following optional benefits plans and advise whether or not they wish to participate (the appropriate forms are indicated below):

  • Voluntary Group Term Life Insurance – Manulife Financial
  • Voluntary Personal Accident Insurance – Beneva (Previously SSQ)
  • Voluntary Dental Insurance – Medavie BlueCross
  • Voluntary Critical Illness Insurance – Beneva Previously SSQ

Eligible full-time employees will become members of the Nova Scotia Public Superannuation Pension Plan (PSSP) upon hire.

Instructors will require access to DalOnline to grant registration permits, overrides and to submit grades. Please see your program/department administrative assistant for access information.

If you have any further questions please drop by our office and we will direct your inquiries to the appropriate person. Forms should be returned to the Human Resources Compensation Officer, who can be reached at extension 220.

Parking Policy

Parking permits are available from the Bursar’s Office for faculty and staff who can demonstrate a need to use a car to get to work on a daily basis. That is, passes will be allocated first to faculty and staff living outside a 5 KM radius of the University, as Faculty and staff within the 5 KM range have access to major bus routes. Payments can be made by cheque, cash, debit, Visa, or MasterCard. You will need to provide your vehicle year/make/model & plate # before a permit can be issued.

City of Halifax parking tickets are issued to those vehicles without a permit or a temporary pass on display. Vehicles illegally parked or blocking fire lanes or walkways may be ticketed or towed away at the owner’s expense.


To provide a consistent style to our email services we have established an alias, which is firstname.lastname@ukings.ca. Employees have their primary account set up on the Dalhousie IMAP server (using their NetID) and can choose to access email using myDal.ca through https://ukings.ca/or by installing an alternative email management program (Outlook, M365). The Dalhousie account provides an email address which the King’s alias is pointed to. In order to avoid confusion please direct all your emails using the alias: firstname.lastname@ukings.ca.

All faculty and staff are set up to have access to their Dalhousie NetID. A Dalhousie NetID provides:

      1. Dalhousie email address
      2. Ability to access your email remotely through the web
      3. Access to library databases

To claim your NetID, visit the King’s website (www.ukings.ca) to login under MyDal (located on the top right hand corner of the main page), select the New Users tab and follow the provided directions.

The following distributions lists are maintained so that you can send emails to specific groups:
UKC-COMMUNITY@LISTS.DAL.CA – all King’s employees, Chartwells, Bookstore, Cleaning Staff & KSU Rep
UKC-FACULTY@LISTS.DAL.CA – Faculty members (voting and non-voting members)
UKC-STAFF@LISTS.DAL.CA – all full time, part time and contract staff members


All non-Journalism faculty and staff offices are provided with an office computer. Not all offices are equipped with printers and in this case you should check with the Administrative Assistant of your program/department to see what printing options are available. Each program/department has a designated person for computer support who will coordinate the set up, troubleshooting and repair to computer and printer equipment. Please contact your Program or Department Head or the Administrative Assistant of your program/department to note who your contact may be. Help is also available to King’s faculty and staff at the Dalhousie Help Desk (902-494-3834).

ID Cards and Facility Access

Photo ID cards can be obtained in the HR Office, by making an appointment with the Human Resources & Compensation Officer. All faculty and staff have access to the King’s Fitness Centre, the Library and the Wardroom provided they show their University photo ID.


There is a stationery room on the main floor of the A&A Building and the key for the Stationery room is kept at Reception.  See the Receptionist for any out of stock or special requests.


All programs/departments have designated photocopiers, and there are two general photocopiers which faculty and staff may use provided they have a PIN number. One machine is located next to the stationery room on the main floor of the A&A and the other is on the 3rd floor of the New Academic Building. To get your PIN please see the A&A Reception desk.


Your office phone has a voice mail option which has to be set up initially. If you have problems setting up your voice mail, please ask your program/department administrative assistant.

Health & Safety Issues

King’s has an Occupational Health & Safety Committee with a representative for each group or area. Please see Occupational Health & Safety for further details.

Cleaning Concerns

Offices and classrooms are cleaned on a periodic basis. Any concerns or cleaning questions should be directed to the cleaning coordinator: Tim Ross.

Fire Safety And Safety Plan

It is your responsibility to read the University’s Safety Policy and Fire Safety Plan at the Occupational Health & Safety page.